Monday, June 4, 2012

My Take On Tim Thomas

The Captain just wrote his thoughts about Tim Thomas and did it with a passionate sympathetic heart for a man who won his favorite team in Boston the Championship. However, I see things a bit differently.

Thomas doesn't owe the fans, the ownership or the city of Boston ANYTHING! But he does owe his teammates a lot more than this. All year, his teammates had to withstand distractions by the media, and created by Tim Thomas.

Tim Thomas as a player is incredible, Tim Thomas as the man is a douche. The Captain brings up that he should be celebrated for spending time with his family and whatnot. I don't buy for 1 second that this is the real reason Thomas left the Bruins, why? Because why would he plug some business in his farewell address, kind of weird. Tim Thomas was upset with the contract that HE SIGNED 4 years ago that was front loaded and is upset that the Bruins now won't commit a couple more years to the 38 year old. Instead of fulfilling a contract HE SIGNED, he would rather take his puck and go home.

With doing that this hurts the Bruins with them being on the hook for 5 million dollars against the cap. Some may say that's not a big deal, however, it's a deal. None of this would have happened if 1. He retired, 2. He openly asked to be traded. He is trying to stick it to the management and by doing this he is hurting the Teammates that helped HIM raise the cup. Way to go.

If you said 2 years ago that Tim Thomas would almost be a villain in Boston, I would call you crazy. But how he has acted tarnishes his should be gaudy legacy.

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