Wednesday, May 30, 2012

DeShawn Stevenson Has An ATM In His Kitchen

The Big Lead had this story and I couldn't resist. For a second take a look at that picture. Sure, he is wearing a ridiculous outfit, and it's very odd that he has his pants rolled up like that, but that's not the strange part. WHY THE HELL IS THERE AN ATM MACHINE IN HIS KITCHEN????

Is this like a new thing? Do "ballers" not even want to deal with having to do to an ATM?

Actually I guess it's smart. Less chance you're gonna get robbed. I would love to have an ATM machine in my house.

The Big Lead made this joke, and it's really perfect...

"Considering he has Abe Lincoln tattooed on his throat, you have to assume that ATM dispenses nothing but five dollar bills, right?"

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